How To Talk About Transportation In Portuguese

Whether getting around a major city or biking by the beach, here’s a thorough guide to Portuguese transportation vocab for your travels.
light rail in Brazil

There are few things more anxiety-inducing than arriving in a new country where you don’t speak the language and having no clue how to get around. When arriving in Rio (or any other Brazilian city), knowing some basic Portuguese transportation words and phrases can make a huge difference in your ability to use public transit and get help if needed. If you learn the Portuguese transportation vocab below, your trip is sure to be much less stressful and more enjoyable. And who knows, you might even make some new friends along the way. Click the play button to hear how each word or phrase is pronounced.

Talking About Portuguese Transportation

General Navigation

To the left — à esquerda

To the right — à direita

In front of — em frente a

On the corner — na esquina

Can you recommend a good hotel? —Você pode me recomendar um bom hotel?

Excuse me, is there a supermarket near here? — Desculpe-me, há um supermercado perto daqui?


Traveling By Plane

Plane — o avião

Flight — o voo

Airport — o aeroporto

Terminal — o terminal

Gate — o portão de embarque

Luggage — a bagagem

Hand luggage (carry-on) — a bagagem de mão

Weight limit — o limite de peso

Departure — a partida

Security check — o controle de segurança

Connection — a conexão

To check in — fazer check in

To board — embarcar

To land — aterrissar

You are only allowed to take one item of hand luggage onto the plane. — Só é permitido levar uma mala como bagagem de mão no avião.


Traveling By Train Or Bus

Public transportation — o transporte público

Bus — o ônibus

Train — o trem

Subway — o metrô

Train station — a estação

Bus station — a rodoviária

Ticket — o bilhete

Platform — a plataforma

Passenger — o passageiro

Timetable — a tabela de horários

Inspector — o fiscal

To catch — pegar

To transfer — trocar

To validate — validar

How much is a ticket to the airport? — Quanto custa o bilhete para o aeroporto?

Where is there a bus stop? — Onde tem um ponto de ônibus?


Traveling By Car Or Bike

Car — o carro

Driver — o motorista (m) / a motorista (f)

Windshield wipers — o limpador de pára-brisa

Key — a chave

Seatbelt — o cinto de segurança

Driver’s license — a carteira de motorista

Bicycle — a bicicleta

Cyclist — o ciclista (m) / a ciclista (f)

Helmet — o capacete

To drive — dirigir

To park — estacionar

To break down — ter uma pane

To ride — andar

You’re going too fast – you’re speeding! — Você está dirigindo muito rápido, você está correndo!

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