How To Talk About The Weather In Portuguese

Don’t let a little bad weather rain on your parade! Learning the basics of Portuguese weather vocab will help you avoid getting caught without an umbrella.
brazilian seascape

If you’re learning the basics of Portuguese before a vacation, there are plenty of classic phrases to learn. How to say hello, how to introduce yourself, how to ask for directions. But there’s one more topic you wouldn’t want to miss: the weather. For one, it’ll help you prepare for the hot, the cold and everything in between. But perhaps even more helpful, it’ll prepare you to make small talk with anyone you meet. Nothing breaks the ice faster than throwing out a “Sure is warm today!” to a stranger. Arm yourself with this Portuguese weather vocab before your next trip to a Portuguese-speaking country.

The Seasons In Portuguese

the season — a estação do ano

the spring — a primavera

the summer — o verão

the autumn — o outono

the winter — o inverno

the rainy season — a estação das chuvas

the dry season — o período de seca

Portuguese Weather Vocab

the weather — o tempo

the climate — o clima

the degree — o grau

the sunlight — a luz do sol

the rain — a chuva

the cloud — a nuvem

the snow — a neve

the wind — o vento

tropical — tropical

the storm — a tempestade

temperate — temperado

cloudy — nublado

the weather forecast — a previsão do tempo

the thunder — o trovão

the lightning — o raio

the frost — a geada

the blizzard — a tempestade de neve

the hail — o granizo

the drizzle — a garoa

the rainbow — o arco-íris

Portuguese Weather Phrases

What is the weather like? — Como está o tempo?

The sun is shining. — Tem sol.

The sky is cloudy. — O céu está nublado.

It stopped raining. — A chuva parou.

It was snowing all day. — Nevou o dia todo.

A strong wind is blowing. — Está soprando um vento muito forte.

Be careful, there’s black ice on the sidewalk. — Cuidado, a passagem de pedestres está congelada.

A thunderstorm is coming. — Está chegando um temporal.

Natural Disaster Vocab In Portuguese

the natural disaster — a catástrofe natural

the earthquake — o terremoto

the tsunami — o tsunami

the flood — a inundação

the drought — a seca

the cyclone — o ciclone

the hurricane — o furacão

the tornado — o tornado

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