How To Talk About Your Feelings In Swedish

If you’re lycklig and you know it, clap your hands.
two older white women walking down the street with coffee to represent feelings in Swedish

Learning to speak Swedish or any new language is all about figuring out the best way to express yourself. Early on, this can be a bit of a challenge, and you might find yourself grasping around your growing vocabulary list to find the best words to use. One of the most important tools at your disposal will probably be your ability to express your feelings in Swedish. Being able to tell the people around you that you’re mad, sad, happy or hopeful will come in handy as your explore the emotional landscape of a new language and culture.

To get you started, we compiled a list of vocab for some of the most basic words for feelings in Swedish. To hear how each word and phrase is pronounced by a native speaker, just hit the play button next to the terms!

Swedish Emotions And Feelings Vocab

Swedish Emotion Words

an emotion — en känsla

the mood — humöret

happy — lycklig

sad — ledsam

excited — begeistrad

the joy — glädjen

the love — kärleken

the hate — hatet

anger — vrede

to feel — att känna sig

a feeling — en känsla

a hope — ett hopp

depressed — deprimerad

a sympathy — en medkänsla

lonely — ensam

satisfied — nöjd

proud — stolt

disappointed — besviken

upset — upprörd

to get over — att komma över

Swedish Emotion Phrases

I like you. — Jag tycker om dig.

I have a strange feeling. — Jag har en konstig känsla.

I am in a good mood today. — Jag är på bra humör i dag.

It is exasperating! — Det är hopplöst!

I’m afraid. — Jag är rädd!

He has the blues today. — Han är melankolisk i dag.

I love you. — Jag älskar dig.

Why are you sad? — Varför är du ledsen?

Are you happy with her? — Är du lycklig med henne?

I am so unhappy. — Jag är så olycklig!

Swedish Sensation Words

a sensation — en förnimmelse

a pleasure — en njutning

hunger — hunger

thirst — törst

pain — en smärta

a surprise — en överraskning

nervous — nervös

tired — trött

fear — en rädsla

to get bored — att ha långtråkigt

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