If you’re visiting Sweden, visiting the major cities is a must. But just as important is venturing up north to explore the majesty of the Swedish wilderness. Up there you’ll see the beautiful landscapes of the country, and maybe even run into some of the wildlife. And what better way to prepare for that than to study the vocabulary for animals in Swedish?
We put together a guide to some of the most common animals in Swedish (and, sure, you might have to go to a Swedish zoo to encounter some of these creatures). You can click the play button next to each of the terms to hear how they’re pronounced by a native speaker. And if you just want to have some fun and hear what animal sounds in Swedish sound like, just scroll to the bottom!
General Animal Vocab
a pet — ett husdjur
farm animal — boskapsdjur
sea creature — havsdjur
a fur — en päls
a veterinarian — en veterinär
Names of Animals In Swedish
a dog — en hund
a cat — en katt
a fish — en fisk
a mouse — en mus
a hamster — en hamster
a rabbit — en kanin
a rat — en råtta
a guinea pig — ett marsvin
a chicken — en höna
a cow — en ko
a pig — en gris
a sheep — ett får
a goat — en get
a donkey — en åsna
a horse — en häst
an elephant — en elefant
a camel — en kamel
a bird — en fågel
a duck — en anka
a goose — en gås
a pigeon — en duva
a penguin — en pingvin
a parrot — en papegoja
an owl — en uggla
an eagle — en örn
a dolphin — en delfin
an octopus — en bläckfisk
a blue whale — en blåval
a jellyfish — en manet
a starfish — en sjöstjärna
a shark — en haj
a sea turtle — en havssköldpadda
a bear — en björn
a wolf — en varg
a crocodile — en krokodil
a snake — en orm
a kangaroo — en känguru
a frog — en groda
a squirrel — en ekorre
a giraffe — en giraff
a hippopotamus — en flodhäst
a sloth — en sengångare
a deer — ett rådjur
bug — ohyra
a fly — en fluga
a mosquito — en mygga
a spider — en spindel
an ant — en myra
a bee — ett bi
a butterfly — en fjäril
moth — mal
a cockroach — en kackerlacka
Animal Sounds In Swedish
woof — vov-vov
meow — mjau
quack quack — kvack
moo — mu
ribbit — koack
caw — krax
baa — bä
cock-a-doodle-doo — kuckeliku
ee-aw (donkey noise) — skri
cluck cluck — ka ka ka