How To Talk About Animals In Portuguese

Explore the world of animals in Portuguese!
A flamingo folded in on itself to represent animals in Portuguese

The world of children is full of animals. Children’s books, movies and songs have constant references to creatures of all sorts. Then we grow older, and we get further and further away from the animal kingdom, except for the occasional nature documentary. But in a lot of ways, starting out learning a language can make you feel younger again, returning you to your days in school memorizing vocabulary. Why not return to the animals? Learning the animals in Portuguese might not be the most practical vocabulary (unless you’re a zoologist), but it can be a fun way to practice a language.

To get you started, we collected vocab for many of the animals in Portuguese. We also included some animal sounds in Portuguese at the bottom, which we think are particularly fun. To hear how these words are pronounced, click on the play button next to each term!

General Animal Vocab

the pet — o animal doméstico

the farm animal — o animal de criação caseira

the wild animal — o animal selvagem

the sea creature — o animal marinho

the fur — o pelo

the veterinarian — o veterinário (masc.), a veterinária (fem.)

Names of Animals In Portuguese

the dog — o cachorro

the cat — o gato

the fish — o peixe

the mouse — o camundongo

the hamster — o hamster

the rabbit — o coelho

the rat — o rato

the guinea pig — o porquinho da Índia

the duck — o pato

the chicken — a galinha

the cow — a vaca

the pig — o porco

the sheep — a ovelha

the goat — a cabra

the donkey — o burro

the horse — o cavalo

the elephant — o elefante

the camel — o camelo

the bird — a ave

the penguin — o pinguim

the goose — o ganso

the pigeon — a pomba

the parrot — o papagaio

the owl — a coruja

the eagle — a águia

the dolphin — o golfinho

the octopus — o polvo

the blue whale — a baleia-azul

the jellyfish — a água-viva

the starfish — a estrela-do-mar

the shark — o tubarão

the sea turtle — a tartaruga-marinha

the bear — o urso

the wolf — o lobo

the crocodile — o crocodilo

the snake — a cobra

the kangaroo — o canguru

the frog — a rã

the squirrel — o esquilo

the giraffe — a girafa

the hippopotamus — o hipopótamo

the sloth — o bicho-preguiça

the deer — o corço

the bug — o bicho

the fly — a mosca

the mosquito — o mosquito

the spider — a aranha

the ant — a formiga

the bee — a abelha

the butterfly — a borboleta

the moth — a mariposa

the cockroach — a barata

Animal Sounds In Portuguese

woof — au-au

meow — miau

cock-a-doodle-doo — cocoricó

quack quack — quá-quá

moo — muu

ribbit — croac

caw — cra-cra

baa — mééé

cluck cluck — cocodé

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