Swedish Phrases Basics
The easiest and most interesting way to first explore a new language is by learning common phrases that are useful in daily life. Experts believe that learning phrases of a language is of more assistance when compared to learning individual words and registering their meanings. Swedish, spoken by over 9 million people in the world (though predominantly in Finland and Sweden), draws its vocabulary from several languages, and has vocabulary in common with those languages that share its North Germanic origin. Swedish often closely resemble sDanish and Norwegian, making it easier to understand all three Scandinavian languages for people who are already familiar with one.

Those aspiring to learn Swedish should also take note of the fact that the English word "Please" does not have an exact match translation in Swedish. The request is actually conveyed through appropriately formal Swedish sentences or through apt intonation.
Learning to speak and understand standard Swedish phrases and Swedish sentences may help those traveling to Sweden on a holiday, business trip or even an educational trip. It's also important to brush up on the knowledge of numbers, dates, time and currency units in Swedish to communicate most effectively.
Useful Swedish Phrases
Tack (så mycket) = Thank you very much
Jag heter... = My name is...
Hur mycket kostar det här? = How much does this cost?
Hur tar jig mig til...? = How do I get to…?
Jag är vilse = I am lost
Swedish Phrases with Babbel
Language learnes seeking to master Swedish are invited to try out the comprehensive, multimedia language learning platform at Babbel. Themed courses of different difficulty levels have been designed to address individual learning requirements. Lessons are loaded with grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation exercises to train you in all aspects of the language. Mobile learning and progress monitoring also help you practice and perfect the learning experience.
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