Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information / Opt-out

At Babbel, we are committed to abiding by the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and all other state privacy laws currently in effect.

If you are a resident of California, Virginia, Colorado, Connecticut, Nevada or have similar rights by law in your jurisdiction that apply to Babbel, then you have certain rights regarding your personal information. Please see our full Privacy Policy to understand the categories of personal information we collect, the sources of such information, how we use that information and the categories of third parties with whom we share that information for a business or commercial purpose.


The categories of personal information we have sold or disclosed to third parties in the preceding twelve months for business or commercial purpose are: (i) identifiers, and (ii) internet or other electronic activity information. The categories of third parties to whom we disclosed or sold personal information are: advertising networks, data analytics providers, and social networks.

If you would like to opt-out of the sharing, selling or use of your personal information for targeted advertising, please:

  • Click the button above to exercise your rights, OR

  • Submit your request to

Access / Deletion

If you would like to access the personal information Babbel processes about you or to delete such information, please:

Other Rights

If you would like to exercise other rights that may be available to you under applicable law regarding the personal information Babbel processes about you, such as a right to correct your information, please: