With approximately 220 million speakers, German ranks as the 11th largest natively spoken language. Interestingly, unlike English, German uniquely capitalizes every noun. Not only is German the official language of Germany and Austria, but also it holds official status in Switzerland. German speakers are found in diverse locations such as Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay! Given its prevalence, the language is favored by Brits seeking to travel and conduct business globally. Yet mastering German can be challenging, given its intricate case system featuring gendered adjective endings and a vocabulary filled with expansive compound nouns (for instance, the word for science is Naturwissenschaften). Fortunately, we've compiled a list of recommendations to assist you in becoming proficient in the German language.


Finding The Best Way To Speak German

When it comes to the best way to learn German, there are many options to choose from, each with their own advantages and limitations:

  • Classroom learning and tutoring — You’ll get more regular, personalized feedback from an instructor and be able to practice speaking, but it can take a regular commitment of time and often money, and you might not be able to work at your own pace.

  • Immersion learning — You’ll be challenged and required to adapt more quickly to a new language and culture, but the investment is quite extreme and requires money, time and the willingness to overcome major adversity.

  • Software and apps — You can work at your own pace and choose content that works for you, but you don’t get as much practice in conversations with actual speakers, and you won’t get individualized interaction with native speakers.

  • German-language media — You get to hear and read the German language as it’s used by native speakers in real-life situations (and often for free), but you don’t get to practice speaking or learn the underlying rules and nuances of the language.

How To Speak German With Help From Babbel

If you want to know how to speak German like a real Deutschsprachiger, test Babbel; Babbel is designed by a team of language experts, educators, and designers who know all about what it takes to get the most out of learning a new language — so you are guaranteed a top-quality German learning journey that’s educational, engaging, and yes, fun.

Babbel’s German lessons are designed to strengthen your skills in the four areas of language learning — reading, writing, speaking, and listening — and to make sure the content you’re learning is committed to your long-term memory. Helpful tips along the way reinforce what you’re learning by making new connections.

Lessons introduce new words and expressions in stages, focusing on vocabulary that applies in conversations with actual native speakers — not nonsensical or impractical words that you’ll never use. Plus, almost every lesson features a simulated real-life dialogue to help you put what you’re learning about German grammar into context in the sorts of conversations you’d be having with native speakers.

Test the first lesson of every course for free

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