How To Write The Date In Polish

Learning how to write the date in Polish can help you ask questions, make plans and fill out important documents. Here’s a quick guide.
date in Polish
Which is the best month to visit? What day is the market open? What is today’s date? Making plans is an important part of everyday conversation, and knowing how to discuss days and months and write the date in Polish will make any trips to Poland or interactions with Polish speakers much more fruitful. Refer to the short guide below to learn how to write the date in Polish.

Days Of The Week In Polish

Monday — poniedziałek

Tuesday — wtorek

Wednesday — środa

Thursday — czwartek

Friday — piątek

Saturday — sobota

Sunday — niedziela

Months Of The Year In Polish

January — styczeń / stycznia

February — luty / lutego

March — marzec / marca

April — kwiecień / kwietnia

May — maj / maja

June — czerwiec / czerwca

July — lipiec / lipca

August — sierpień / sierpnia

September — wrzesień / września

October — październik / października

November — listopad / listopada

December — grudzień / grudnia

Write The Date In Polish

It’s important to note that, when writing out the date, you must use the months on the right side of the list above. The ones on the left are in the nominative case, which is the case used when the noun is the subject of the sentence. But when you’re writing the date, the month needs to be written in the genitive form (on the right), which is typically used to show possession.

There are a couple of acceptable ways to write the date in Polish numerically. First, keep in mind that, as in most countries outside of the United States, the day comes before the month. For November 1, 2018, you could write the date numerically as either 1.11.18 or 1.11.2018, or you can use Roman numerals for the month and lose the dots: 1 XI 2018.

To write the date out in long-form, you use the word for the month and the numeric form of the day and year. So November 1, 2018 would be 1 listopada 2018. Sometimes, people will put an “r” at the end, which stands for rok, meaning “year”.

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