How To Talk About Transportation In Swedish

Don’t get lost! Brush up on your Swedish transportation vocab before you travel.
Two trams in a Swedish city

One of the worst parts of traveling can be, well, the travel part. Figuring out how to get around a new city is frustrating enough, and when you add in the foreign-language aspect to it, it only gets worse. If you’re exploring Sweden, though, you’ll definitely want to know how to get to its various regions. Nip your problems in the bud by studying these Swedish transportation terms!

Click the play buttons on each of these terms to listen to how they’re pronounced.

Swedish Transportation Vocab And Phrases

General Navigation

on the left — till vänster

on the right — till höger

Go straight ahead! — Gå rakt fram!

Can you possibly help me? — Skulle du kunna hjälpa mig?

Where is the tourist information office? — Var ligger turistinformationen?


Traveling By Plane

a plane — ett flygplan

an airport — en flygplats

a terminal — en terminal

luggage — bagage

a luggage tag — en adresslapp

hand baggage (carry-on) — handbagage

a flight — ett flyg

a departure — en avgång

to check in — att checka in

a security check — en säkerhetskontroll

to board — att gå ombord

to land — att landa


Traveling By Train Or Bus

public transportation — kollektivtrafik

a bus — en buss

a train — ett tåg

a subway — en tunnelbana

a tram — en spårvagn

a train station — en tågstation

a ticket — en biljett

return (ticket) — tur och retur

a platform — en perrong

a bus stop — en busshållplats

a passenger — en passagerare

an inspector — en kontrollant

a timetable — en tidtabell

to catch — att hinna med

to validate — att stämpla


Traveling By Car Or Bike

a car — en bil

a driver — en förare

windshield wipers — en vindrutetorkare

a seat belt — ett säkerhetsbälte

a key — en nyckel

a driver’s license — ett körkort

to drive — att köra

to park — att parkera

to break down — att få motorstopp

a bicycle — en cykel

a cyclist — en cyklist

a helmet — en hjälm

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Thomas Moore Devlin

Thomas is the editorial lead, and he has been at Babbel for over six years. He studied linguistics in college, and also has a background in English literature. He now lives in Berlin, where he spends most of his free time walking around and reading an unhealthy number of books.

Thomas is the editorial lead, and he has been at Babbel for over six years. He studied linguistics in college, and also has a background in English literature. He now lives in Berlin, where he spends most of his free time walking around and reading an unhealthy number of books.