Spanish Lesson: La Plaza De España De Sevilla

Learn about the plaza that once hosted a world’s fair, as well as the cast of Star Wars.
A view of la plaza de españa de sevilla

Learning Spanish is about much more than memorizing vocabulary. In each Spanish Lesson, we explore a part of the vast Spanish-speaking world with texts designed for beginner (A2) Spanish learners. Reading the following means you’re able to…

  • understand and use basic verbs to talk about what one is doing now.
  • exchange and express simple likes and dislikes using limited expressions.
  • understand and follow clear, slow verbal instructions and simple informational texts.
  • talk about or understand a simple text on lifestyle, hobbies and sports.
  • identify information from and get the gist of simple event-based articles, reports, or tours.

Read on to learn about la Plaza de España de Sevilla. And if you get stuck on any of the bolded terms, you can scroll down to la lista de vocabulario, which will guide you along. You can also listen along to a recording of the story, read by a native Spanish speaker.

La Plaza de España de Sevilla

Listen to this article by clicking here

¿Te gusta el cine? ¿Y viajar? Si eres fan de la ciencia ficción, te gusta la cultura hispana o estudias español, tienes suerte. ¡Puedes visitar un escenario histórico y de película!

En Sevilla, la capital de Andalucía, puedes ir a la Plaza de España, un precioso lugar con arcos y columnas. Siempre hay muchos turistas que hacen fotos, admiran la bonita fuente o pasean en barca por el canal de agua. También hay muchos árboles y flores preciosas en el Parque de Maria Luisa, que rodea la plaza.

A la Plaza de España fueron R2-D2, Anakin y Padmé, los protagonistas de “Star Wars”. En esta plaza también hicieron otras películas, como “El Dictador” y “Lawrence de Arabia”.

Además, hay símbolos de todas las regiones de España y Latinoamérica, porque en esta plaza se celebró la Exposición Iberoamericana de 1929. Representantes de todos los países latinos fueron a Sevilla a hablar de sus tradiciones y su cultura.

El clima de Sevilla es muy soleado y su comida es deliciosa, como el serranito, un bocadillo de tortilla, jamón serrano, carne, pimiento verde, tomate y mayonesa.

¿A qué esperas? ¡Aprende español con Babbel y prepárate para visitar lugares como Sevilla!

Lista de vocabulario — Vocab list

Palabras temáticas — Thematic words

  • escenario — set (in movies and theater)
  • arcos — arcs
  • columnas — pillars
  • fuente — fountain
  • barca — small boat
  • canal de agua — water channel
  • árboles — trees
  • clima — weather/climate
  • soleado — sunny
  • bocadillo — sandwich
  • tortilla — omelette
  • jamón serrano — Iberian cured ham
  • pimiento verde — green pepper

Expresiones — Expressions

  • Tienes suerte. — You’re lucky.
  • Hacen fotos. — They take pictures.
  • ¿A qué esperas? — What are you waiting for?

Verbos — Verbs

En pasado/In the past tense:

  • fueron — (they) went
  • se hicieron — (they) were made
  • se celebró — (it) was celebrated/took place

En presente/In the present tense:

  • pasean — (they) walk
  • rodea — (it) surrounds
  • prepárate — prepare yourself/get ready

Elementos culturales — Cultural items

  • Plaza de España de Sevilla — Semicircular square filled with symbols from all the Spanish regions and Latin America. It has columns and arcs and several films were made there, including Star Wars Episode II, The Dictator or Lawrence of Arabia.
  • Exposición Iberoamericana de 1929 — Ibero-American Exhibition of 1929, a melting pot of Latin American and Spanish countries that took place in the Plaza de España.
  • Parque de María Luisa — Maria Luisa Park, which surrounds the Plaza de España.
  • Serranito — typical Sevillian sandwich made with bread, Iberian cured ham, omelette, meat, green pepper and mayonnaise.
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Daniel López Prior

Daniel is from Seville, Spain, and started working at Babbel in 2021. He studied in Spain, the UK, and the US and has degrees in translation and interpretation, translation and new technologies as well as linguistics. When he’s not busy trying to find the best learning methods with his colleagues, he travels, goes hiking, watches TV and movies, and enjoys Formula 1.

Daniel is from Seville, Spain, and started working at Babbel in 2021. He studied in Spain, the UK, and the US and has degrees in translation and interpretation, translation and new technologies as well as linguistics. When he’s not busy trying to find the best learning methods with his colleagues, he travels, goes hiking, watches TV and movies, and enjoys Formula 1.