Spanish For Business: 18 Phrases To Know When Working Abroad

Doing some work in a Spanish-speaking country? Here are 18 phrases you should know, pulled from Babbel’s new Spanish for business course.
Four people meeting learning Spanish for business

In this increasingly globalized world, chances are fairly high that you’ll either have Spanish-speaking colleagues or travel to a Spanish-speaking country for a work trip. Learning some basic Spanish for business can make meetings run smoother and work relationships more meaningful. In fact, speaking another language can even help boost your career prospects and salary.

Whatever your reason for learning work-related Spanish phrases, this guide can help! These expressions are pulled from the new Spanish for business course in Babbel’s app, so be sure to check that out after reviewing the guide below. Click the play button to hear how each phrase is pronounced.

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Spanish For Business Expressions

Scheduling A Meeting

Tenemos que convocar una reunión. — We have to call a meeting.

Programaron la cita para mañana. — They scheduled the appointment for tomorrow.

Él confirmó su asistencia. — He confirmed his attendance.

¿Podrías reservar la sala de conferencias? — Could you reserve the conference room?

¡No te preocupes, todo está arreglado! — Don’t worry, everything is settled!

Discussing Business Topics

Me gustaría presentar el proyecto. — I would like to present the project.

Tienes la palabra. — You have the floor.

No comparto su opinión. — I don’t share your opinion.

Se trató de un pequeño malentendido. — It was a small misunderstanding.

La minuta de la reunión pasada contiene una lista de varias ideas excelentes. — The minutes of the last meeting contain a list of various excellent ideas.

Tienen en cuenta la estrategia. — They’re keeping the strategy in mind.

¿Cuándo firmamos el contrato? — When do we sign the contract?

Writing And Sending Emails

Queridos compañeros: — Dear colleagues,

No duden en contactarme. — Don’t hesitate to contact me.

Quedo pendiente de su respuesta. — I look forward to your response.

Saludos cordiales, — Kind regards,

¿Podrías reenviarme este correo? — Could you forward me this email?

Te pongo en copia. — I’ll copy you in.

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