How To Talk About The Home In Portuguese

At some point in your language learning journey, you might need to tell your friends to gather in the kitchen.
bright pink house with flowering pink tree against it portuguese house vocabulary

The home is often the central organizing hub of the family, and of life in general. If you’re studying Portuguese, traveling to a Portuguese-speaking country, or planning a visit to the home of your Brazilian in-laws, it won’t hurt to learn some basic Portuguese house vocabulary.

Truthfully, you’ll likely encounter this scenario much sooner than you think. Social life in Portugal and Brazil is often organized around family, and you might just get invited over. When that happens, you’ll be prepared when someone tells you to meet the squad in the living room for an after-dinner toast.

Essential Portuguese House Vocabulary

the apartment — o apartamento

the house — a casa

the room — o cômodo

the kitchen — a cozinha

the bathroom / the toilet — o banheiro

the bedroom — o quarto

the living room — a sala

the floor — o piso

the wall — a parede

the door — a porta

the window — a janela

the balcony — o balcão

the ceiling — o teto

the roof — o telhado

the stairs — a escada

the elevator — o elevador

the furniture — os móveis

the table — a mesa

the chair — a cadeira

the bed — a cama

the sofa — o sofá

the armchair — a poltrona

the bookshelf — a estante de livros

the shelf — a estante

the dresser — a cômoda

the stool — o banquinho

the pantry — o armário da cozinha

the household appliance — o eletrodoméstico

the stove — o fogão

the fridge — a geladeira

the freezer — o congelador

the heater — a calefação

the air conditioner — o ar-condicionado

the washing machine — a máquina de lavar

the dryer — a secadora

the dishwasher — a lavadora de louças

the microwave — o microondas

the decor — a decoração

the curtain — a cortina

the carpet — o carpete

the mirror — o espelho

the lamp — a luminária

the coffee table — a mesa de centro

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