How To Talk About The Weather In Polish

No matter what the forecast, you’ll be ready with these Polish weather terms!
Cityscape in Warsaw

Planning for a trip is a lot of fun. Picking museums to explore, parks to visit and restaurants to try is a great way to prepare yourself for your journey abroad. There’s one thing you can’t plan for far in advance, however: the weather. Even the most concise preparation beforehand can’t help you avoid a blizzard blowing in and ruining a whole day. What might help you a little, however, is picking up some basic Polish weather vocab. In the worst case scenario, it’ll help you know when it’s a better idea to not go outside. And it can also come in handy when you need to engage in some small talk! Here are some of the most important terms to know to get you started.

The Seasons In Polish

season — pora roku

spring — wiosna

summer — lato

autumn — jesień

winter — zima

rainy season — pora deszczowa

dry season — pora sucha

Polish Weather Vocab

weather — pogoda

climate — klimat

degree — stopień

sunlight — światło słoneczne

rain — deszcz

cloud — chmura

snow — śnieg

wind — wiatr

fine — ładny

tropical — tropikalny

storm — wichura

temperate — umiarkowany

overcast — pochmurny

weather forecast — prognoza pogody

thunder — grzmot

lightning — piorun

frost — mróz

blizzard — śnieżyca

hail — grad

drizzle — mżawka

rainbow — tęcza

Polish Weather Phrases

What is the weather like? — Jaką mamy pogodę?

The sun is shining. — Słońce świeci.

The sky is cloudy. — Niebo jest pochmurne.

It stopped raining. — Przestało padać.

A thunderstorm is coming. — Nadchodzi burza.

A strong wind is blowing. — Wieje mocny wiatr.

Go beyond the weather.
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