6 Twitter Accounts To Follow If You’re Learning Italian

Did you know the Pope tweets too?
a couple looking at their phones together checking out Italian Twitter

In every language learner’s journey, there comes a time when remaining neutral to the world of foreign-language media and internet spaces begins to feel like self-sabotage. What are you even doing if you’re not laughing along to your favorite Italian podcast hosts, or familiarizing yourself with contemporary lingo and humor every time you open your Instagram app? Most especially, what are you even doing if you’re not following the Pope’s Italian Twitter account?

If you haven’t yet had the opportunity to get acclimated to Italian Twitter, never fear. We’ve come up with a shortlist of accounts that will feed you bits of language knowledge, and in many cases, greater awareness of Italian news and culture.

Italian Twitter Accounts To Follow

1. Dite – Learn Italian with Nicco! @DiteNicco

Nicco is an Italian language teacher who took that professorial energy to the Twitterverse. If you like your language lessons with a side of art history, you’ll probably particularly enjoy this account, which features a daily painting or photograph together with a word in Italian that relates to the work.

2. Daily Italian Words @WordsItalian

One thing Twitter is really good for is delivering bite-sized information to your awareness on a regular basis. And when it comes to language learning, a little bit at a time is actually great for your memory retention. This account regularly feeds you words and phrases in Italian, helping you expand your vocabulary almost on autopilot.

3. Papa Francesco @Pontifex_it

The pope (as in various popes throughout history) has often been multilingual. Pope Francis can speak Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French, German, Ukrainian, Piedmontese (a language spoken in northern Italy) and some English. He’s also well-versed in the language of Italian Twitter. Maybe Catholicism isn’t exactly your thing, but learning to understand his daily internet benedictions will definitely help with your Italian.

4. Italian with Susanna @italyconsusanna

Susanna speaks Italian natively and has an Italian literature degree. She also tweets out regular bits of vocabulary, expressions, cultural notes, false friends and other grammatical “good to knows.”

5. Repubblica @repubblica

Because it never hurts to be up to speed on the news, following one of Italy’s major news publications will be a workout for your linguistic muscle, as well as a good way to get informed about the issues affecting Italy and beyond.

6. Beppe Severgnini @beppesevergnini

Beppe Severgnini is an Italian journalist whose work has appeared in The New York Times and The Economist. In other words, he’s the guy who tells the Times‘ English-speaking readership what’s happening in Italy, but you can get it straight from him in his native language if you follow him on Twitter.

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