It should come as no surprise that tech vocab is becoming more and more prevalent in the world. Even children’s dictionaries are starting to replace nature vocabulary like “otter” and “minnow” with words like “blog” and “chatroom.” While some might say this is a sad change, it reflects the reality that people encounter the internet far more frequently than they do nature. It makes sense, then, that you might want to learn terms for tech and the internet in Italian. If you’re unable to travel to Italy any time soon, at the least you can visit the Italian language online.
To get you started, we compiled some of the most important tech terms in Italian. And if you want to hear how each of these words and phrases is pronounced, just click the “play” button next to them!
Talking About Tech And The Internet In Italian
Italian Technology Vocabulary
the hardware — l’hardware
the computer — il computer
the laptop — il computer portatile
the cable — il cavo
to charge — caricare
the keyboard — la tastiera
the mouse — il mouse
the printer — la stampante
compatible — compatibile
wireless — senza fili
the software — il software
to install — installare
the click — il clic
the menu — il menu
the folder — la cartella
the file — il file
to save — salvare
the bug — il bug
offline — offline
to drag — trascinare
Italian Internet Vocabulary
the internet — l’internet
the browser — il browser
the link — il link
to load — caricare
the blog — il blog
the virus — il virus
the pop-up — il pop-up
online — su internet
to download — scaricare
to search — cercare
the email — l’e-mail
the chat — la chat
the message — il messaggio
the draft — la bozza
the emoticon — l’emoticon
the email address — l’indirizzo e-mail
to write — scrivere
to open — aprire
the attachment — l’allegato
to send — inviare
the social media — i mezzi di comunicazione sociale
to sign up — registrarsi
to log in — effettuare l’accesso
the member — il membro
the password — la password
popular — di successo
the forum — il forum
the community — la community
the network — il network
to follow — seguire
Italian Tech And Internet Phrases
I spend my time in front of the computer. — Passo il mio tempo davanti al computer.
All of my files are gone. — Tutti i miei file sono spariti.
You can download the program. — Puoi scaricare il programma.
The keyboard is quite dirty. — La tastiera è piuttosto sporca.
Your password should be secret and hard to guess. — La tua password dovrebbe essere segreta e difficile da indovinare.
I follow some of my friends on Twitter so I can keep up with what they are doing. — Seguo alcuni amici su Twitter per rimanere aggiornato su quello che fanno.
I need to be online, I’ve got about a million emails to send. — Devo andare su internet, devo scrivere circa un milione di email.