We always say that the best way to learn a language is by starting with the vocab that you run into every day. The most obvious things are saying hello, introducing yourself and so on, but maybe you haven’t stopped to think about one thing you definitely use every day: clothing. Whether you’re making a packing list for your trip to Brazil or doing some shopping in Portugal, a little clothing vocabulary can go a long way. To get you going, here’s a lit of the most common words for clothes in Portuguese, from your hat to your socks.
If you want to hear how the words and phrases are pronounced by a native speaker, just click the play button next to each term.
Portuguese Clothing Vocabulary
Summer Clothing
the summer clothes — a roupa de verão
the clothes — a roupa
the dress — o vestido
the shorts — os shorts
the T-shirt — a camiseta
the flip-flops — os chinelos
the shoes — os sapatos
the skirt — a saia
the cap — o boné
the blouse — a blusa
the shirt — a camisa
the swimsuit — a roupa de banho
the cardigan — o cardigã
sunglasses — os óculos de sol
the sandals — as sandálias
the top — o top
Winter Clothing
winter clothes — a roupa de inverno
the sweater — o pulôver
the pants — a calça
the scarf — o cachecol
the hat — o gorro
the coat — o sobretudo
the boots — as botas
the tights — a meia-calça
the thick socks — as meias grossas
the rubber boots — as galochas
the jeans — os jeans
the earmuffs — o protetor de orelhas
the woolen hat — o gorro de lã
the gloves — as luvas
the mittens — as luvas de polegar
Formal Attire
the formal attire — o traje formal
the dinner jacket — o smoking
the vest — o colete
the gown — o vestido de gala
the jewelry — as jóias
the cocktail dress — o vestido de cocktail
the bow tie — a gravata borboleta
the high heels — o salto alto
the suit — o terno
the tie — a gravata
the underwear — a roupa íntima
the underpants — a cueca
the undershirt — a camiseta regata
pajamas — o pijama
the boxer shorts — a cueca boxer
panties — a calcinha
the bra — o sutiã
the socks — as meias
Useful Phrases
I am looking for green pants. — Eu estou procurando uma calça verde.
That’s the latest fashion. — Isto está na moda.
His suit is stylish. — Seu terno é chique.
I have nothing to wear. — Eu não tenho nada para vestir.
Do you have these jeans in a different color? — Tem este jeans em uma outra cor?
This jacket is really cool. — Esta jaqueta é muito bacana.
This white blouse is very pretty. — Esta blusa branca é muito bonita.
Wear the warm shoes! — Coloque sapatos quentes!
I lost my gloves. — Eu perdi minhas luvas.
It is too warm for a scarf today. — Hoje está muito quente para usar cachecol.
The coat is too expensive. — O sobretudo é muito caro.