Animal vocabulary is a fun topic to dive into when you’re starting out learning a language. Plus, you’ll be able to use animal-related words in many different conversations, because (almost) everyone loves animals! Thus, you’ll definitely want to study the vocab related to animals in French if that’s the language you’re learning.
On your next trip to France, you’ll be able to ask for help if there’s a rat in your Paris Airbnb or talk admiringly about wildlife in the French countryside. Even right here at home, learning how to talk about animals in French will make your language learning a little cuter and more fun.
Check out this quick guide to animals in French, and click the play button to hear how each word is pronounced. And don’t forget to scroll down to hear what French animals sounds are like.
General Animal Vocab
the pet — l’animal domestique
the wild animal — l’animal sauvage
the farm animal — l’animal de la ferme
the sea creature — l’animal marin
the fur — le pelage
the veterinarian — le vétérinaire (m) / la vétérinaire (f)
to feed — nourrir
Names Of Animals In French
the dog — le chien
the cat — le chat
the fish — le poisson
the mouse — la souris
the hamster — le hamster
the rabbit — le lapin
the rat — le rat
the guinea pig — le cochon d’Inde
the chicken — la poule
the duck — le canard
the cow — la vache
the pig — le porc
the horse — le cheval
the bird — l’oiseau
the penguin — le pingouin
the dolphin — le dauphin
the octopus — le poulpe
the blue whale — la baleine bleue
the shark — le requin
the bear — l’ours
the wolf — le loup
the snake — le serpent
the frog — la grenouille
the squirrel — l’écureuil
the giraffe — la girafe
the deer — le chevreuil
the bug — la bestiole
the mosquito — le moustique
the spider — l’araignée
the bee — l’abeille
the butterfly — le papillon
Animal Sounds In French
woof — ouaf
meow — miaou
cock-a-doodle-doo — cocorico
quack-quack — coin-coin
moo — meuh
ribbit — coâ-coâ