Charmed by your host family’s gorgeous, smiling faces, but completely at a loss when it comes to communicating anything to them beyond an awkward “good morning?” We’ve all been there — but that doesn’t mean you have to walk into your next Airbnb situation without the right supply of homestay phrases to make your visit smoother.
Staying as a guest in someone else’s home requires you to command the local language in slightly different ways than you would as a tourist in a hotel. There are personal boundaries to consider, potential friendships to make and a certain level of mindfulness you’ll want to exhibit toward another person’s home and belongings.
Here are a few key homestay phrases to learn before your next big trip. We included the translations in our four most popular learning languages: Spanish, French, German and Italian. Regardless of where you’re traveling, though, this homestay guide will, at the very least, show you where to start.
Key Homestay Phrases You’ll Want To Learn For Your Next AirBnB Host
What are your favorite restaurants in [name of city]?
Spanish: ¿Cuáles son tus* restaurantes favoritos en ____?
French: Quels sont tes** restaurants préférés à ____ ?
Italian: Quali sono i tuoi*** ristoranti preferiti in ____?
German: Was sind deine**** Lieblingsrestaurants in ____?
*Informal. Use sus to address someone formally.
**Informal. Use vos to address someone formally.
***Informal. Use suoi to address someone formally.
****Informal. Use Ihre to address someone formally.
How do you spend your free time?
Spanish: ¿Qué haces en tu* tiempo libre?
French: Qu’est-ce que tu fais pendant ton temps libre ?**
Italian: Che fai nel tuo tempo libero?***
German: Was machst du in deiner Freizeit?****
*Informal. Use su to address someone formally.
**Informal. Use “Qu’est ce que vous faites pendant votre temps libre?” to address someone formally.
***Informal. Use “Che cosa fa nel suo tempo libero?” to address someone formally.
****Informal. Use “Was machen Sie in Ihrer Freizeit?” to address someone formally.
Could I have an extra towel, please?
Spanish: ¿Me podría traer otra toalla, por favor?
French: Est-ce que vous pourriez m’apporter une autre serviette, s’il vous plaît ?
Italian: Mi può portare un altro asciugamano, per favore?
German: Könnten Sie* mir bitte noch ein Handtuch bringen?
*Formal. Use Könntest du to address someone informally.
I’ve run out of clean clothes. Where can I do my laundry?
Spanish: Ya no tengo ropa limpia. ¿Dónde puedo lavar mi ropa?
French: Je n’ai plus de vêtements propres. Où est-ce que je peux faire une lessive ?
Italian: Non ho più vestiti. Dove posso fare il bucato?
German: Ich habe keine saubere Kleidung mehr. Wo kann ich meine Wäsche waschen?
Can I help with the dishes?
Spanish: ¿Puedo ayudar con la vajilla?
French: Puis-je aider avec la vaisselle ?
Italian: Posso aiutarti* a lavare i piatti?
German: Kann ich beim Geschirrspülen helfen?
*Informal. Use aiutarla to address someone formally.
What time is breakfast?
Spanish: ¿A qué hora es el desayuno?
French: À quelle heure est le petit déjeuner ?
Italian: A che ora è la colazione?
German: Wann gibt es Frühstück?
What time do you get up?
Spanish: ¿A qué hora te levantas?
French: À quelle heure tu dois te réveiller ?
Italian: Lei a che ora si sveglia la mattina?
German: Wann stehst du auf?
*Informal. Use se levanta to address someone formally.
**Informal. Use “À quelle heure devez-vous vous réveiller ?” to address someone formally.
***Informal. Use “Wann wachen Sie?” to address someone formally.
Thanks so much for everything. I really enjoyed your company.
Spanish: Muchas gracias por todo. Disfruté mucho de tu* compañía.
French: Merci beaucoup pour tout. J’ai vraiment apprécié votre compagnie.
Italian: Grazie mille per tutto. Mi è davvero piaciuta la tua** compagnia.
German: Vielen Dank für alles. Deine** *Gesellschaft hat mir sehr gut gefallen.
*Informal. Use su to address someone formally.
**Informal. Use sua to address someone formally.
***Informal. Use Ihre to address someone formally.