How To Talk About Transportation In German

Transportation can be one of the trickiest things to figure out when you’re in a new country, so make sure to prepare ahead of time!
German Transportation Vocab

Speaking another language can transport you to a whole different place. Not literally, of course. That’s why we have transportation! Fortunately, you can combine this literal and figurative transportation by learning some German transportation vocab. Whether you’re taking public transportation, driving a car or riding a bike, we’ve got you covered as you learn German.

German Public Transportation

the public transportation — der öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel

the bus — der Bus

the train — der Zug

the train station — der Bahnhof

the ticket — die Fahrkarte

the platform — der Bahnsteig

the subway — die U-Bahn

the passenger — der Fahrgast

the stop — die Haltestelle

to stand — stehen

to catch — erwischen

the timetable — der Fahrplan

the tram — die Straßenbahn

the inspector — der Kontrolleur (m.)/die Kontrolleurin(f.)

the reduction — die Ermäßigung

the monthly ticket — die Monatskarte

crowded — voll

to reserve — reservieren

to change — umsteigen

to validate — entwerten

German Transportation By Car

the car — das Auto

the driver — der Fahrer (m.)/die Fahrerin (f.)

to drive — fahren

to park — parken

the steering wheel — das Lenkrad

the brake — die Bremse

the gears — der Gang

the driver’s license — der Führerschein

German Transportation By Bike

the bicycle — das Fahrrad

the cyclist — der Radfahrer (m.)/die Radfahrerin (f.)

the pedal — das Pedal

the tire — der Reifen

the helmet — der Helm

to ride — fahren

German Transportation By Plane

the plane — das Flugzeug

the airport — der Flughafen

the terminal — das Terminal

the luggage — das Gepäck

the hand luggage — das Handgepäck

to land — landen

the departure — der Abflug

the flight — der Flug

to check in — einchecken

to board — an Bord gehen

the security check — die Sicherheitskontrolle

the connection — der Anschluss

the gate — der Flugsteig

the flight attendant — der Flugbegleiter (m.)/die Flugbegleiterin (f.)

the pilot — der Pilot (m.)/die Pilotin (f.)

German Transportation Phrases

I’ll take my bike. — Ich nehme das Fahrrad.

Where does the bus leave from? — Von wo fährt der Bus ab?

I am getting off at the next station. — Ich steige bei der nächsten U-Bahn-Station aus.

There are three more station before the end of the line. — Bis zur Endstation sind es noch drei Stationen.

You have to validate your ticket. — Du musst deine Fahrkarte entwerten.

Where is the next bus stop? — Wo ist die nächste Bushaltestelle?

Look out, the inspectors are coming. — Achtung, die Kontrolleure kommen.

Look out, there is a cyclist coming from the right! — Pass auf, ein Radfahrer kommt von rechts!

It is dangerous for pedestrians here. — Hier ist es gefährlich für Fußgänger.

Stop, there is a red light. — Halt an, da ist eine rote Ampel.

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