How To Talk About The Weather In French

If you want to make small talk in a new language, there’s one conversation topic of choice: the weather!
French Weather Vocabulary

Whether you’re visiting France or any other French-speaking country, the weather is going to be an important consideration. You don’t want to be caught in the rain when you’re least expecting it. To help you get started, we compiled some simple French weather vocabulary that should help you begin to understand the local prévisions météo (weather forecasts). And if you’re ever stuck trying to make conversation with someone in France, commenting on the weather is a surefire way to hit things off.

The Seasons In French

the season — la saison

the spring — le printemps

the summer — l’été

the autumn — l’automne

the winter — l’hiver

the rainy season — la saison des pluies

the dry season — la saison sèche

French Weather Vocabulary

the weather — le temps 

the climate — le climat

the degree — le degré

the sunlight — la lumière du soleil

the rain — la pluie

the cloud — le nuage

the snow — la neige

the wind — le vent

tropical — tropical

the storm — la tempête

temperate — tempéré

cloudy — nuageux

the weather forecast — la prévision météo

the thunder — le tonnerre

the lightning — l’éclair

the frost — le givre

the blizzard — la tempête de neige

the hail — la grêle

the drizzle — la bruine

the rainbow — l’arc-en-ciel

French Weather Phrases

What is the weather like? — Quel temps fait-il ?

The sun is shining. — Le soleil brille.

The sky is cloudy. — Le ciel est couvert.

It stopped raining. — La pluie a cessé.

It was snowing all day. — Il a neigé toute la journée.

A strong wind is blowing. — Le vent souffle très fort.

Be careful, there’s black ice on the sidewalk. — Attention, il y a du verglas sur le trottoir.

A thunderstorm is coming. — Un orage va bientôt éclater.

French Natural Disaster Vocabulary

the natural disaster — le catastrophe naturelle

the earthquake — le tremblement de terre

the tsunami — le tsunami

the flood — l’inondation

the cyclone — le cyclone

the hurricane — l’ouragan

the tornado — la tornade

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