How To Talk About Free Time In Portuguese

Spend some free time learning how to talk about your free time.
A woman spending her free time in Portuguese doing a jigsaw puzzle

Figuring out what to talk about with someone you don’t know too well can be hard. You can go with the weather, but there’s only so far that conversation can go. Hobbies, however, are the perfect topic. Everybody has one, and most people are willing to go on and on about their favorite. Whether you like playing sports, going to musicals or hitting the club, you should figure out some of the basic vocab for talking about your free time in Portuguese.

We put together a (relatively) quick guide to the vocab for some of the most popular activities to do in your free time in Portuguese. If you want to hear how each word and phrase is pronounced by a native speaker, hit the play button next to each of the terms.

Talking About Free Time In Portuguese

General Phrases About Free Time

What will you do in your free time? — O que você vai fazer no seu tempo livre?

Do you have any hobbies? — Você tem alguma atividade de lazer?

the fun, the amusement — a diversão

Arts And Culture Vocabulary

the theater — o teatro

the play — a peça 

the musical — o musical

to attend — assistir

the painting — a pintura

the photography — a fotografia

the gallery — a galeria de arte

the photo — a foto

to paint — pintar

the drawing — o desenho

the film — o filme

the performance — a apresentação

to dance — dançar

the book — o livro

to read — ler

the genre — o gênero

the museum — o museu

the music — a música

to sing — cantar

the instrument — o instrumento

the guitar — o violão

the piano — o piano

Do you play an instrument? — Você toca um instrumento?

I like to listen to my music very loud. — Eu adoro escutar música alta.

Do you like going to the theater? — Você gosta de ir ao teatro?

I learn dancing in a dance course. — Eu aprendo a dançar em um curso de dança.

Games And Activities Vocabulary

the game — o jogo

the puzzle — o jogo de paciência 

the chess — o xadrez

the card — a carta

to play — jogar

the video game — o video game

the role-playing game — o jogo de interpretação de personagens

the board games — o jogo de tabuleiro

the sport — o esporte

the soccer — o futebol

the gymnasium — a academia de ginástica

the team — o time

to go shopping — fazer compras

second-hand — usado

eating out — comer fora

the restaurant — o restaurante

the club — a casa noturna

I love going to restaurants. — Eu adoro ir ao restaurante.

I surf the internet. — Eu surfo na internet.

Do you play sports? — Você pratica esporte?

I jog every morning. — Eu corro todas as manhãs.

I play soccer twice a week. — Eu jogo futebol duas vezes por semana.

I am a member of a sports club for Asian martial arts. — Eu sou sócio de uma associação de artes marciais asiáticas.

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