How To Talk About Free Time In German

Whether you spend your free time playing instruments or exercising at the gym, learn how to talk about it in German!
A woman using her free time in German to play the piano

Once you’ve gotten past the weather, it can be tough to come up with small talk in another language. Fortunately, there’s another go-to topic: hobbies! Everyone has a hobby, which gives you an endless number of topics. But that also means that figuring out how to talk about the ways you spend your free time in German can be a little tough. After all, there are so many options.

To start you out, we collected some of the most basic vocabulary for talking about free time to help you as you learn German. From sports to music and back again, there’s bound to be something here you love to do. And if you want to hear how any of this vocab is pronounced by a native speaker, just hit the play button next to each term.

Talking About Free Time In German

General Phrases About Free Time

What do you do in your free time? — Was machst du in deiner Freizeit?

Do you have any hobbies? — Hast du Hobbys?

the fun — der Spaß

Arts And Culture Vocabulary

the theater — das Theater

the play — das Stück

the musical — das Musical

to attend — besuchen

the painting — das Gemälde

the photography — die Fotografie

the gallery — die Galerie

the photo — das Foto

to paint — malen

the drawing — die Zeichnung

the film — der Film

the performance — die Aufführung

the dance — der Tanz

the book — das Buch

to read — lesen

the genre — das Genre

the museum — das Museum

the music — die Musik

to sing — singen

the instrument — das Instrument

the guitar — die Gitarre

the piano — das Klavier

Do you play an instrument? — Spielst du ein Instrument?

I like to listen to my music very loud. — Ich höre gerne sehr laut Musik.

Do you like going to the theater? — Gehst du gern ins Theater?

I learn dancing in a dance course. — Ich lerne in einem Tanzkurs tanzen.

Games And Activities Vocabulary

the game — das Spiel

the puzzle — das Geduldsspiel

the chess — das Schach

the card — die Karte

to play — spielen

the video game — das Videospiel

the role-playing game — das Rollenspiel

the board games — das Brettspiel

the sport — der Sport

the soccer — der Fußball

the gymnasium — das Fitnessstudio

the team — die Mannschaft

to go shopping — einkaufen gehen

second-hand — gebraucht

eating out — essen gehen

the restaurant — das Restaurant

the club — der Club

I love going to restaurants. — Ich liebe es, ins Restaurant zu gehen.

I surf the internet. — Ich surfe im Internet.

Do you do sports? — Treibst du Sport?

I jog every morning. — Ich jogge jeden Morgen.

I play soccer twice a week. — Ich spiele zweimal in der Woche Fußball.

I am a member of a sports club for martial arts. — Ich bin Mitglied in einem Sportverein für asiatische Kampfkunst.

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