Monday in Germany will be a day off. It’s Pfingsten.
In England known as Whitsun, or in the US as Pentecost, we at Babbel thought this was worth giving a mention since it’s got to do with some business that concerns us: Speaking in many languages.
It’s celebrated 50 days after the resurrection of Christ (Easter), and around the time of the Jewish festival called Shavuot, which celebrates Moses receiving the ten commandments at Mount Sinai. Pfingsten signals the day when the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles and gave them the ability to understand and speak all languages. According to the Bible, they went out into Jerusalem prophesying and speaking in languages that all the people in Jerusalem could understand — also known as speaking in tongues.
Fiery Tongues on Pfingsten
Babbel takes a day off in honor of the day that Jesus’ Apostles were blessed with the ability to speak all languages.