Emergency Abroad: Numbers And Phrases To Know When You Travel

In the (hopefully) unlikely event an emergency occurs when you’re in another country, here are some helpful phone numbers and phrases in the local language.
emergency numbers

We all expect and hope our trips abroad go off without a hitch. And usually, they do. But it’s important to be prepared in case an emergency does arise during your international travels. If you get sick, or your car breaks down, or you’re the victim of a crime, you’ll need to know the 911-equivalent phone number and how to ask for help in the local language. Here’s a guide to emergency numbers and useful phrases to know in some of the most popular travel destinations.


emergency numbers spain

Emergency Numbers:

European Emergency Number (all emergencies): 112
Medical Emergency: 061
Police Emergency: 091 (national), 092 (local)
Fire Emergency: 080

Helpful Phrases:

Can you help me? — ¿Me puede ayudar?

the police — la policía

the ambulance — la ambulancia

the firefighters — los bomberos

It’s an emergency! ¡Es una urgencia!



emergency numbers france

Emergency Numbers:

European Emergency Number (all emergencies): 112
Medical Emergency: 15
Police Emergency: 17
Fire Emergency: 18

Helpful Phrases:

Can you help me? — Pourriez-vous m’aider ?

the police — la police

the ambulance — l’ambulance

the firefighters — les pompiers

It’s an emergency! — C’est une urgence !



emergency numbers Italy

Emergency Numbers:

European Emergency Number (all emergencies): 112
Medical Emergency: 118
Police Emergency: 113
Fire Emergency: 115

Helpful Phrases:

Can you help me? — Mi può aiutare?

the police — la polizia

the ambulance — l’ambulanza

the firefighters — vigili del fuoco

It’s an emergency! — È un d’emergenza!



emergency numbers mexico

Emergency Numbers:

All Emergencies: 911

Helpful Phrases:

Can you help me? — ¿Me puede ayudar?

the police — la policía

the ambulance — la ambulancia

the firefighters — Los bomberos

It’s an emergency! — ¡Es una urgencia!


United Kingdom

emergency numbers UK

Emergency Numbers:

European Emergency Number (all emergencies): 112
National Emergency Number (all emergencies): 999



emergency numbers Peru

Emergency Numbers:

All Emergencies: 911
Medical Emergency: 117
Police Emergency: 105
Fire Emergency: 116

Helpful Phrases:

Can you help me? — ¿Me puede ayudar?

the police — la policía

the ambulance — la ambulancia

the firefighters — Los bomberos

It’s an emergency! — ¡Es una urgencia!



emergency numbers Norway

Emergency Numbers:

Medical Emergency: 113
Police Emergency: 112
Fire Emergency: 110

Helpful Phrases:

Can you help me? Kan du hjelpe meg?

the police — politiet

the ambulance — ambulanse

the firefighters — brannmenn

It’s an emergency! — Det er et nødstilfelle!



emergency numbers Brazil

Emergency Numbers:

Medical or Fire Emergency: 193
Police Emergency: 190

Helpful Phrases:

Can you help me? — Você pode me ajudar?

the police — a polícia

the ambulance — a ambulância

the firefighters — os bombeiros

It’s an emergency! — É uma emergência!


The Netherlands

emergency numbers netherlands

Emergency Numbers:

All Emergencies: 112

Helpful Phrases:

Can you help me? — Kunt u mij helpen?

the police — de politie

the ambulance — de ziekenauto

the firefighters — brandweerlieden

It’s an emergency! — Het is een noodgeval!

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