How To Talk About Transportation In Danish

Don’t get stuck ambling around Copenhagen without a basic knowledge of these Danish transportation words.
Man riding his bike in snowy Copenhagen

If you’re planning a trip to Denmark, then you are also planning a trip through its various modes of transit. That means you’ll want some Danish words in your back pocket to help you navigate your way around effectively. Sure, lots of people in Denmark speak English, too, but if you want to excel as a sophisticated tourist, learning these terms will help — as will familiarizing yourself with the way people get around Denmark. In Copenhagen especially, a lot of people bike everywhere, so take care to memorize the word for “flat” — you know, just in case.

Danish Words For Transportation

By Public Transit

Public transportation — offentlig transport

Bus — en bus

Train — et tog

Boat — en båd

Train station — en banegård

Ticket — en billet

Platform — en perron

Subway — en metro

Passenger — en passager

A stop — et stoppested

To catch — at tage

Timetable — en køreplan

Tram — en sporvogn

Inspector — en kontrollør

To reserve — at reservere

To change — at skifte

To validate — at stemple

By Bike

Bicycle — en cykel

Wheel — et hjul

Cyclist — en cyklist

Pedal — en pedal

Tire — et dæk

Helmet — en hjelm

Mountain bike — en mountainbike

Lock — en lås

Flat — punkteret

By Plane

Plane — et fly

Airport — en lufthavn

Terminal — en terminal

Luggage — bagage

Hand luggage — håndbagage

To land — at lande

Departure — en afgang

Flight — et fly

To check in — at tjekke ind

To board — at gå ombord

Security check — en sikkerhedskontrol

Connection — en forbindelse

Liquids — væsker

Weight limit — en vægtgrænse

Gate — en gate

By Car

Car — en bil

Driver — en fører

To drive — at køre

To park — at parkere

Safe — sikker

Fast — hurtig

To slow down — at køre langsommere

Seat belt — en sikkerhedssele

To overtake — at overhale

To speed — at køre for hurtigt

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