How To Name And Pronounce Colors In Italian

Roses are rosse, violets are blu, for the rest of the colors in Italian, here’s a handy guide for you. Learn all the colors of l’Arcobaleno (the rainbow).
Colors In Italian

Imagine, stretched out before you, row upon row of gelato options. You reach the front of the line and wish to make your selection, but you have trouble indicating which flavor you want. The labels are hard to see, and pointing doesn’t seem to be working.

Think how much easier it could be if you just knew the words to say that you wanted “the yellow one.” This may sound like a silly example, but learning the colors in Italian can come in handy in many situations.

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Lastly, the color word has to agree with the gender of the noun, so using yellow in Italian with a feminine noun like macchina, or “car,” it would be described as la macchina gialla instead of la macchina giallo. With that in mind, here are some colors in Italian to get you started before you move on to learning more of the language!

The Basic Colors In Italian

the color — il colore
red — rosso
orange — arancione
yellow — giallo
green — verde
blue — blu
light blue — azzurro
dark blue — blu scuro
purple — viola
pink — rosa
brown — marrone
black — nero
white — bianco
light — chiaro
dark — scuro

An infographic restating the colors translated directly above.

Italian Color Conjugations

The colors above are all in their singular, masculine form, which is generally how they are seen outside of the context of a sentence. But depending on the noun that the color is describing, some of the colors will change. Red in Italian, for example, is rosso in singular, masculine; rossa for singular, feminine; rossi for masculine, plural; and rosse for feminine plural.

Most of the colors that end in -o follow a similar pattern, while some (like blu and arancione) don’t change at all. Here’s a quick chart you can refer to when you’re learning the colors.

Italian Colors In The Singular Form

Color Masculine Singular Feminine Singular
red rosso rossa
blue blu blu
green verde verde
yellow giallo gialla
black nero nera
white bianco bianca
orange arancione arancione
purple viola viola
pink rosa rosa
gray grigio grigia
brown marrone marrone

Italian Colors In The Plural Form

Color Masculine Plural Feminine Plural
red rossi rosse
blue blu blu
green verdi verdi
yellow gialli gialle
black neri nere
white bianchi bianche
orange arancioni arancioni
purple viola viola
pink rosa rosa
gray grigi grigie
brown marroni marroni

Using Italian Colors In A Sentence

In Italian, the color word often comes after the noun that it is describing. So “the red cat” is il gatto rosso. If you want to say “the light red cat,” the word for light comes at the end, so il gatto rosso chiaro. (One exception to that is light blue, which is just azzurro.) Here are a few more examples of using colors in a sentence.

Italian English
La macchina è rossa. The car is red.
Il cielo è blu. The sky is blue.
La foglia è verde. The leaf is green.
I fiori bianchi The white flowers
La zucca è arancione. The pumpkin is orange.
Il vestito è viola. The dress is purple.
La rosa è rosa. The rose is pink.
Le foglie verdi The green leaves
La palla blu The blue ball
I gatti neri The black cats
I libri gialli The yellow books

Now that you’ve got your colors in order, maybe it’s time to try signing up for a Babbel Live course to keep going with your Italian skills. Or if you prefer a self-study experience, click below and get started right away with a free lesson!

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