How To Talk About Clothes In German

Time to get dressed in a new language.
Clothes in German represented by a woman holding a skirt up to her waist while a friend looks on from the couch.

Whether you care about fashion or not, the clothes you wear say a lot about you. As RuPaul famously said, “We’re born naked and the rest is drag.” When you’re learning a new language, then, you probably want to cover the basic vocabulary. Whether you want to go clothes shopping in Berlin or discuss which outfit is most likely to get you into a club, this guide to German clothing vocabulary is a good first step.

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German Clothing Vocabulary

Summer Clothing

summer clothes —die Sommerkleidung

clothes —die Kleidung

the dress —das Kleid

shorts — die kurze Hose

the T-shirt — das T-Shirt

the flip-flops — die Flip-Flops

the shoes — die Schuhe

the skirt — der Rock

the cap — die Schirmmütze

the blouse — die Bluse

the shirt — das Hemd

the swimsuit — der Badeanzug

the cardigan — die Strickjacke

sunglasses — die Sonnenbrille

the sandals — die Sandalen

the top — das Top


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Winter Clothing

winter clothes — die Winterkleidung

the sweater — der Pullover

pants — die Hose

the scarf — der Schal

the hat — die Mütze

the coat — der Mantel

the boots — die Stiefel

tights — die Strumpfhose

the thick socks — die dicken Socken

the rubber boots — die Gummistiefel

the jeans — die Jeans

the earmuffs — die Ohrenschützer

the woolen hat — die Wollmütze

the gloves — die Handschuhe

the mittens — die Fausthandschuhe

Formal Attire

formal dress — die festliche Kleidung

the dinner jacket — der Smoking

the vest — die Weste

the gown — das Abendkleid

jewelry — der Schmuck

the cocktail dress — das Cocktailkleid

the bow tie — die Fliege

the high heels — die Stöckelschuhe

the suit — der Anzug

the tie — die Krawatte


the underwear — die Unterwäsche

underpants — die Unterhose

the undershirt — das Unterhemd

pajamas — der Schlafanzug

boxer shorts — die Boxershorts

panties — der Schlüpfer

the bra — der BH

the socks — die Socken

Useful Phrases

I am looking for green pants. — Ich suche eine grüne Hose.

That’s in fashion. — Das ist gerade in Mode.

His suit is stylish. — Sein Anzug ist schick.

I have nothing to wear. — Ich habe nichts anzuziehen.

Do you have these jeans in a different color? — Haben Sie die Jeans in einer anderen Farbe?

This jacket is really cool. — Diese Jacke ist wirklich cool.

This white blouse is very pretty. — Diese weiße Bluse ist sehr hübsch.

Wear the warm shoes! — Zieh die warmen Schuhe an!

I lost my gloves. — Ich habe meine Handschuhe verloren.

It is too warm for a scarf today. — Heute ist es zu warm für einen Schal.

The coat is too expensive. — Der Mantel ist zu teuer.

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