- Whenever the Mexican national soccer team wins a game, celebrate like crazy at the angel de la independencia.
- After a night of partying go directly to a taco stand for some tacos al pastor.
- Greet all your friends with, “¿Qué onda wey?”
- … and a specially choreographed handshake-hug-handshake combo.
- No chili is ever hot enough.
- Squeeze lime over everything you eat.
- Understand that the phrase “mi casa es tu casa” is taken very literally. If a friend tells you there will be a party at your house, he means his house
- If someone asks you if you want a michelada (beer with lime juice and salt) or a michelada cubana (michelada with hot sauce), say, “¡Por favor!”
- Don’t drink tequila (you still love it, but ”hijole wey” – that stuff is dangerous).
- You are never too old to take a swing at the Christmas piñata.
- The three most important things in your life: mamá, the national soccer team, and la virgen de guadalupe.
- Say “ahorita” (somewhere between “really soon” and “never”) instead of “ahora” (“now”) at least three times a day.
- To express joy say, “¡A huevo!” (“Ah, egg!”).
13 Steps To Mexicanize Yourself
Do you wish you possessed more south-of-the-border flavor, flair and passion? Forget the stereotypes and check out this light-hearted look at what it takes to “mexicanize” yourself.

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